Education for Physical Activity and Sport: Informal and Non-formal Settings (EduPASS) project

In this Erasmus+ Project CEREPS is a full partner (01.05-2022- 01.11-2024)



Non-formal and informal Physical Education (PE) have holistic benefits for all in the physical, social and cognitive domains. Therefore, adequate educational programs for educators active in non-formal settings and coaches active in informal settings in sport clubs (initial education; CPD/in-service education) preparing for the delivery of quality PE (QPE) are of highest importance.

The project partners recognise that one issue for respective curriculum formulation on a bachelor and/or master level is what constitutes a PE educator and a coach, the relationship between these roles within different European education systems, and potential points of connection. Therefore, an inclusive approach needs to be taken, and current diverse European-wide practices need to be taken into account.

In consequence, the project partners are seeking for a general approach focusing on the education and training of PE educators and coaches, allowing an adaptation to national/regional contexts and/or different phases of education and training (initial education; CPD/inservice education).

Because of the diverse accreditation practices of well-established and legally constituted national frameworks across Europe, the need for flexibility in the provision of educational programs has to be recognized.

Two more applications have been submitted to the Erasmus+ Programme with full partnership of CEREPS in spring 2022.

Currently, the website of the EduPASS project was launched under